Des del projecte Comunica de l'IE Greda es va dur a terme una sessió sobre contes il·lustrats. Ens va visitar una il·lustradora, la Lali, la qual ens va explicar com s'il·lustra un conte i la seva experiència dins del món de la il·lustració.
“World tour in two weeks” is a session for students where students go an imaginary world tour for two weeks. Students have 7000 € / person at their disposal.
Students create a video which introduces their given destination in Mandarin. Use previously learned vocabulary and sentence structures in your voice recording and include typed characters and visuals in your presentation.
Students will look at the influence of the early christians on Irish culture and society. Students will engage in a research activity to analyse the influence of Irish monks abroad. Questions are colour coded according to ability.
Unpacking how to create a useful mindmap that can be personalised to individual needs.
This lesson provides students with the opportunity to explore Shakespeare's life and his works. They are going to use digital technologies to study and create content.
Students will look at the influence of the early christians on Irish culture and society. Students will engage in a research activity to analyse the influence of Irish monks abroad. Questions are colour coded according to ability.
Students create a video which introduces their given destination in Mandarin. Use previously learned vocabulary and sentence structures in your voice recording and include typed characters and visuals in your presentation.
Järvenpää 70th anniversary was the theme of a multidisciplinary project. This was done 9.10.2021 during the saturday school day from 9 am to 1 pm for all student.
“World tour in two weeks” is a session for students where students go an imaginary world tour for two weeks. Students have 7000 € / person at their disposal.
This class is focused on how humans interact with the sea and how people are affected by the sea.
Students analyse Agatha Christie's work by reading her work, watching films and plays based on her stories, and write an original school-based mystery script.
Οι μαθητές ολοκληρώνουν δραστηριότητες που σχετίζονται με το υλικό του υπολογιστή και συμπληρώνουν συνεργατικά ένα φύλλο εργασίας στο οποίο παρουσιάζονται πραγματικά σενάρια χρήσης μονάδων εισόδου εξόδου.
This workshop focuses on students’ inclusion in online and offline contexts. More specifically, it will explore the following questions: In what ways are students excluded from online and offline contexts? In what ways can students be included in online and offline contexts? What is the role of students’ voice about their learning in online and offline contexts?