Describe fake news and the ways they spread. Find ways to know if the news are real or fake.
The first global theme in the Greek syllabus for English as a Foreign Language at senior high-school is 'Refugees'. This learning design covers 12 lessons in a class of 20 pupils from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
The first global theme in the Greek syllabus for English as a Foreign Language at senior high-school is 'Refugees'. This learning design covers 12 lessons in a class of 20 pupils from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
Composar una peça musical en Forma Binària amb l’editor de partitures gratuït i online Noteflight tot seguint els passos i les premisses marcades.
Des del projecte Comunica de l'IE Greda es va dur a terme una sessió sobre contes il·lustrats. Ens va visitar una il·lustradora, la Lali, la qual ens va explicar com s'il·lustra un conte i la seva experiència dins del món de la il·lustració.
Οι δραστηριότητες που ακολουθούν είναι ενδεικτικές και μπορούν να πραγματοποιηθούν στο πλαίσιο ενότητας με θέμα το ποδήλατο. Οι δραστηριότητες ΔΕΝ αφορούν ένα 80λεπτο μαθήματος αλλά ένα σύνολο μαθημάτων.
The students should create their own city taking into consideration the culture, tradition and festivities. Also they have to design the distribution of its buildings and its flag.
Els greixos són importants en l’alimentació humana: ens ajuden a renovar l’energia que perdem amb l’exercici físic, tot i que un excés de greixos, però, pot ser perjudicial.
Anem a descobrir quins aliments en porten i quins no!
Αξιοποίηση υπολείμματων τροφίμων ως ένας νέος υλικός πόρος για τη βιομηχανία παραγωγής προϊόντων με κοινωνικά, περιβαλλοντικά και οικονομικά πλεονεκτήματα.
Fiction writing: Time travel. Students travel in a different time periods and they all end up through their stories at Kolossi Castle
In this project students will learn about the history, culture, writing methods and typical constructions, as well as the main trade systems in Ancient Egypt. Are you ready?
“World tour in two weeks” is a session for students where students go an imaginary world tour for two weeks. Students have 7000 € / person at their disposal.
Students create a video which introduces their given destination in Mandarin. Use previously learned vocabulary and sentence structures in your voice recording and include typed characters and visuals in your presentation.
En aquesta activitat els alumnes han de mirar un Powerpoint. Després contestar una fitxa i fer la maqueta de les diferents capes de la Terra.
In this project students will learn about the history, culture, writing methods and typical constructions, as well as the main trade systems in Ancient Egypt. Are you ready?
This lesson provides students with the opportunity to explore Shakespeare's life and his works. They are going to use digital technologies to study and create content.