This module focuses on introducing the concept of Blended learning, explaining the existing models and present examples of activities and tools. Also, it discusses the role of blended learning in developing digital competences for students.
This workshop focuses on students’ inclusion in online and offline contexts. More specifically, it will explore the following questions: In what ways are students excluded from online and offline contexts? In what ways can students be included in online and offline contexts? What is the role of students’ voice about their learning in online and offline contexts?
This module focuses on introducing the concept of Blended learning, explaining the existing models and present examples of activities and tools. Also, it discusses the role of blended learning in developing digital competences for students.
Composar una peça musical en Forma Binària amb l’editor de partitures gratuït i online Noteflight tot seguint els passos i les premisses marcades.
Students create a video which introduces their given destination in Mandarin. Use previously learned vocabulary and sentence structures in your voice recording and include typed characters and visuals in your presentation.
This lesson provides students with the opportunity to explore Shakespeare's life and his works. They are going to use digital technologies to study and create content.
L’equip docent de secundària de l’IE Greda hem desenvolupat aquest projecte per l’alumnat de 1r d’ESO per tal de conscienciar la comunitat educativa sobre els efectes de la contaminació atmosfèrica a la vida de les persones i dels altres éssers vius.
This module focuses on introducing the concept of Blended learning, explaining the existing models and present examples of activities and tools. Also, it discusses the role of blended learning in developing digital competences for students.
This module focuses on introducing the concept of Blended learning, explaining the existing models and present examples of activities and tools. Also, it discusses the role of blended learning in developing digital competences for students.
Este módulo se centra en introducir el concepto de aprendizaje combinado, explicar los modelos existentes y presentar ejemplos de actividades y herramientas. Además, analiza el papel del aprendizaje combinado en el desarrollo de competencias digitales para los estudiantes.
This module focuses on introducing the concept of Blended learning, explaining the existing models and present examples of activities and tools. Also, it discusses the role of blended learning in developing digital competences for students.
This module focuses on introducing the concept of Blended learning, explaining the existing models and current examples of activities and tools. It also discusses the role of blended learning in developing digital competences for students.
This module focuses on introducing the concept of Blended learning, explaining the existing models and present examples of activities and tools. Also, it discusses the role of blended learning in developing digital competences for students.
Students create a video which introduces their given destination in Mandarin. Use previously learned vocabulary and sentence structures in your voice recording and include typed characters and visuals in your presentation.
In this project students will learn about the history, culture, writing methods and typical constructions, as well as the main trade systems in Ancient Egypt. Are you ready?
In this project students will learn about the history, culture, writing methods and typical constructions, as well as the main trade systems in Ancient Egypt. Are you ready?
In this project students will learn about the history, culture, writing methods and typical constructions, as well as the main trade systems in Ancient Egypt. Are you ready?