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Image of the resource: Tinkercad


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Short description
Tinkercad is a free web application for 3D modeling and simulation of electronic circuits, developed by Autodesk.

Tinkercad is a free web application for 3D modeling and simulation of electronic circuits, developed by Autodesk. It is characterized by a simple and intuitive interface, which makes it accessible even to beginners and children.

Here are some of its main features:

  • 3D modeling: Tinkercad uses an approach based on primitive geometric solids (cubes, spheres, cylinders, etc.), which can be combined and modified to create complex objects.
  • Circuit simulation: Tinkercad allows you to create and simulate simple electronic circuits, using components such as resistors, capacitors, LEDs and transistors.
  • Educational Features: Tinkercad is widely used in schools to teach geometry, design, and engineering concepts.
  • Export and 3D Printing: 3D models created in Tinkercad can be exported to various formats (STL, OBJ) and printed on 3D printers.

Advantages of Tinkercad:

  • Easy to use: Tinkercad is designed to be intuitive and accessible even to those with no experience in 3D modeling or circuit simulation.
  • Free: Tinkercad is available free of charge for personal and educational use.
  • Versatility: Tinkercad can be used to create a wide range of objects, from simple toys to complex architectural models.
  • Educational Features: Tinkercad is a great tool for teaching geometry, design, engineering, and technology concepts.


Example usage

Examples of using Tinkercad:

  • Create prototypes of design objects
  • Design architectural models
  • Making toys and figurines
  • Simulate simple electronic circuits
  • Learn geometry and mathematics concepts

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Well sequenced, following some sort of didactid order: starts from the alumni ideas and augments both in completeness and abstraction level. For instance, following the learning cycle, inquiry cycle, modeling cycle, ABPs structure...
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Achieve a mínimum of 39 points (13 ítems x 3 points)

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Does it leads to apply already acquired knowledges and/or to learn new things?
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Is it a resource that can be developed in different forms and stimulates the curiosity and creativity of the alumni?
Does it imply the diverse tools usage such as material that can be manipulated, drawing tools, softwares, calculators, etc.?
Does it encourages authonomy and alumni iniciative?
Do we intervene based on adequate questions rather tan explanations?
Is it put into stake the work and individual effort, but also the pair or group work that leads to talk, argue, convince, agree, etc.?
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