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Image of the resource: Genially


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Short description
Genially is a platform for creating interactive content. It can be used to create interactive images, presentations, infographics and more.

Genially is easy to use and requires no programming knowledge. There are also pre-built templates available to help you get started.

Here are some examples of what you can create with Genially:

  • Interactive presentations: Add videos, animations and hyperlinks to your presentations to make them more engaging.
  • Infographics: Create informative and visually engaging infographics to communicate data effectively.
  • Interactive images: Add hotspots to images to reveal additional information or web links.
  • Interactive Maps: Create interactive maps to show locations and geographic information

Genially is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to create interactive and engaging content. It is easy to use and offers a wide range of features.



Example usage

Create interactive learning materials:

  • Genially is perfect for creating engaging lessons that include videos, animations, quizzes and interactive activities. This can help make learning more fun and engaging for students.
  • Assign homework in flipped classroom mode: Students can use Genially to create their own presentations, infographics or other interactive content to share with the class. This can help develop their research, presentation and communication skills.
  • Create educational games: Genially can be used to create fun and educational games that help students learn new concepts. For example, you can create a quiz with multiple choice questions or a matching game.

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Has the sequence didactic sense?

Well sequenced, following some sort of didactid order: starts from the alumni ideas and augments both in completeness and abstraction level. For instance, following the learning cycle, inquiry cycle, modeling cycle, ABPs structure...
Scoring criteria
Basic requirements

You must comply all requirements (YES box) to validate the resource.
Didactical requirements

Achieve a mínimum of 39 points (13 ítems x 3 points)

Newbie = 1 point
Adequate = 3 points
Advanced = 5 points
Obtained score
Basic requirements
Is it directly involved with a STEM discipline?
Does it include the alumni material?
Does it include the teacher guidelines and materials?
Is the information in the right section of the platform?
Does the material present a clear structure and preserves the document style?
Are the documents redacted correctly?
Is it correct from an ethic point of view?
Didactical requirements
Are the kew knowledges specified?
Has the sequence didactic sense?
Is the alumni facing a challenge or a question? (in a daily basis, game, regularity…)
Does it leads to apply already acquired knowledges and/or to learn new things?
Does it helps to link diverse knowledges (within one discipline or within different disciplines)?
Is it a resource that can be developed in different forms and stimulates the curiosity and creativity of the alumni?
Does it imply the diverse tools usage such as material that can be manipulated, drawing tools, softwares, calculators, etc.?
Does it encourages authonomy and alumni iniciative?
Do we intervene based on adequate questions rather tan explanations?
Is it put into stake the work and individual effort, but also the pair or group work that leads to talk, argue, convince, agree, etc.?
Does it imply reasoning about what has been done and justify the results?
Does it promote explicitly the value work of the alumni? (I.e.: sostenibility, gender equality…)
Does it include an evaluation system to accompany the knowledge?
Duplication history and/or previous versions
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Cookies are important for you, they influence on your navigation experience and they help us protect your privacy. closer uses tracking services and cookies analysis, both own and from third parties, to improve our services and with research and development purposes. More information in our "Cookies policy".