Identitat digital
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Identitat digital

EDUCATIONAL LEVEL :   Secondary education


Educational areas:  Social Sciences


Language:  Catalan

Publication date  
  • Ser conscients de la pròpia presència a Internet.

  • Comprendre el concepte d’identitat digital i les seves varietats.

  • Comprendre la importància de la protecció de les dades i el concepte de privacitat.

  • Tenir coneixements bàsics sobre la construcció d’una identitat digital i els seus elements.

  • Comprendre el significat de la suplantació d’identitat com a delicte i conèixer els recursos per prevenir-la i denunciar-la, si cal.


1. Debat sobre la pregunta: què et suggereix la paraula identitat?

2. Mindstorming. Podem tenir més d’una identitat?

3. Debat: Què és la identitat digital? Visionament dels vídeos 

4. Introducció del docent sobre la identitat digital i les formes que té i realització d'un mapa mental conjunt. 

5. Què veuen els altres sobre nosaltres a Internet? Recerca sobre l'egosurfing i presentació a través d'una presentació de diapositives amb presentacions de Google

6. Tancament amb el visionament del vídeo . Internet segura: Experiències i elaboració de les conclusions



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Secondary education
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Has the sequence didactic sense?

Well sequenced, following some sort of didactid order: starts from the alumni ideas and augments both in completeness and abstraction level. For instance, following the learning cycle, inquiry cycle, modeling cycle, ABPs structure...
Scoring criteria
Basic requirements

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Didactical requirements

Achieve a mínimum of 39 points (13 ítems x 3 points)

Newbie = 1 point
Adequate = 3 points
Advanced = 5 points
Obtained score
Basic requirements
Is it directly involved with a STEM discipline?
Does it include the alumni material?
Does it include the teacher guidelines and materials?
Is the information in the right section of the platform?
Does the material present a clear structure and preserves the document style?
Are the documents redacted correctly?
Is it correct from an ethic point of view?
Didactical requirements
Are the kew knowledges specified?
Has the sequence didactic sense?
Is the alumni facing a challenge or a question? (in a daily basis, game, regularity…)
Does it leads to apply already acquired knowledges and/or to learn new things?
Does it helps to link diverse knowledges (within one discipline or within different disciplines)?
Is it a resource that can be developed in different forms and stimulates the curiosity and creativity of the alumni?
Does it imply the diverse tools usage such as material that can be manipulated, drawing tools, softwares, calculators, etc.?
Does it encourages authonomy and alumni iniciative?
Do we intervene based on adequate questions rather tan explanations?
Is it put into stake the work and individual effort, but also the pair or group work that leads to talk, argue, convince, agree, etc.?
Does it imply reasoning about what has been done and justify the results?
Does it promote explicitly the value work of the alumni? (I.e.: sostenibility, gender equality…)
Does it include an evaluation system to accompany the knowledge?
Duplication history and/or previous versions
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